The main aim of all these rights is to provide a "high level of human health protection" and give you high quality health services.
Right to Live
It can not be given up the patients' right to live for whatever reason and can not be claimed anyone's life even though her/him own will.
Right to Take Protective Measures
Every people has the right to have available service to be protected against diseases. The task of health service providers to achieve this goal is provide to benefit from health services, the newest professional information and technological developments to everybody. Also you can get information about protective health services by our hospital.
Right of Access
Every people has the right of access from health services to fulfilment of health care need. Health services should be given without discrimination of language, religion, race, sex, the difference of thought and it should not be discriminated on the type of disease, time, abode or financial resources.
Patients without full physical qualification should benefit from all rights equally.
People have right of access on situations like organ transplantation and experimental research within the frame of the country's laws and regulations.
Right to Demand Information
Every people has the right to get information about their state of health, health services, how they can benefit from these services, all the results of scientific researches and technological developments.
Health services should be given to patient in an easy to reach method and in a language the patient can understand.
Patients have :
Right of Access to Medical Records
Patients have the right to demand informations about their diseases on their files,records and replication with copying, questioning and demand to correction of failures if they are.
Right of Consent
Every people has the right to demand information to participate decisions about her/him health. These informations are essential for any process and treatment. Health service providers have to inform to the patient including other treatment choices along with all informations about any operation or treatment, risks, nuisances, side reactions. Consent of patients includes rutin process, too.
Right to Refuse Treatment
Patient has the right to refuse treatment or medical intervention or going on treatment by changing his decision. Patient also has the right to refuse the topic being informed about her/him health status. If it is rejected, patient's connection with our hospital is dismissed.
But when he/she consults to our hospital again, the right to receive care and treatment continues.
Right of Election
All people having enough information, have the right of election among different treatment methods and people who give treat. Patient have the right of election methods of diagnosing and treatment will be aplied, physician, expert and hospital. Health Services Team should show that they intitle the right of election to the patient with inform about other health institutions which apply this treatment, physicians and success status. All impediments which limit exercise this right should be extinguished.
Right of Privacy
Every people has the right of demanding being kept confidential her/his special visitings along with personal information, health status, the diagnosis and informations about the treatment. Informations and datum of person's health status and treatment being applied to her/him should be confidential and preserved. It should be respected patient's personal privacy during treatment process, the process should be applied in an available environment and by people who should be really there. Patient have the right of unacceptability of people who are not related to her/his treatment including visitors.
The Right Of Patients To Receive Health Care Services On Time
Every people has the right to receive necessary treatment on time. This right is valid for all stages of the treatment. Determining waiting period considering required services in a certain time is a task of Health Services. If health services are not given to patients on time, choice of using alternative services same quality should be offered and expendirutes inflicting this should be paid back within a reasonable time.
Physicians should spare enough time to patients including informing time.
Entitled to Dignity
Every people has the right to receive service with respect,care exactingness, cheerful,polite,clement in an environment which is available for health and without noise and other distracting factors. Hospital staff members do not have the right to debate with you. Complaints are solved with the Office of Patient Rights.
The Right To Perform Religious Services
Patients have the right to perform their religious services , wearing clothes compatible with their believes, using symbols and getting social and psychological support within the possibilities of the institution and within the frame of measures taken by administration.
Visitation and Companion Rights
Every people has the right to receive visitors expediently the observance and rules which are determined by the institution and the right to keep companion within the possibilities and when the physician considers appropriate.
Quality rights-standard
Every people has the right of access from high quality health services. The right to quality health care requires to be provided services satiably in terms of technical performance, comfort and human relations by health institutions and health personnel. Health personnel can not apply a diagnosis or treatment contrary to the rules of medical ethics or deceptive in nature.
Security Rights
Every people has the right to protection damages from health services, medical mistakes and errors and the right of access treatments and institution with high security standards.
Innovation Right
Every people has the innovation right according to international standards including diagnosis procedures. Goals of Health Services is doing researches considering rare frequent diseases and support them.
Right to avoid unnecessary pain / suffering and nuisance
Every people has the right to protection from pain,suffering and nuisance as far as possible at all stages of treatment. Health Services should take precautions for easier and more comfortable treatment.
The Right to End of Life
Health Services should provide a special treatment for patients who are at the end of their lives and their families.
Personal Treatment Right
Every people has the right routing diagnose and treatment according to her/his personal necessities. Therefore Health Services should provide flexible programmes always right to treatment holds the first place.
The right to complain
Every people has the right to complian when gets harm. All pesonnel taking care of the patient, should inform about the rights to her/him. Complain should be responded verbal or written by Patient Rights Units officials in a certain time after it is taken. It is a right to appeal related professional organizations and courts for unresolvable complains pursuant to Law No. 6023.
The right to compensation
Every people who gets physical, moral or physiological harm during treatment has the right to compensation in a short time.Health Services should know that there is always right to compension even the responsible can not be determined and regardless of the reason and importance of damage.
. Patients and their relatives have the right to access and information can understand and use all these right.
Responsibility to Provide Information
Since the health information about the patients and their relatives (medical history, current complaints, applied treatments, such as medications and vitamins used) is necessary for the diagnosing and treatment process it is the patient's and her/his relative's responsibility to provide them right to the person in charge of the treatment accurately and completely.
If the patients and their relatives are in difficulty to understand the comments about the treatment, this must be reported to the patient and care givers and they should ask all the questions that come to their mind.
Patients and their relatives, after they were informed about the healt status of the patient and making sure of the understaniding them correctly, should be active in the decision making process in the treatment and should declare their consent on the treatment.
They should inform the authorities in case of any changes in the basic informations such as name, surname, address, phone number.
Responsibility of Payment of Examination and Treatments
Responsibility for Compliance with Recommendations
Responsibility for Observance of Rules and Applications
Patients are responsible for observance of rules and applications of the health institution which they are in.
Respecting Liability